New Power Plant Investments in Ohio
There are now nearly a dozen new, efficient, and reliable natural gas combined-cycle power plants in operation, under construction, or under development in Ohio.
In August 2017, the Oregon Clean Energy Center (OCE) began commercial operations. OCE is the first commercially operational natural gas-fired power plant in Ohio since the early 2000s. This highly efficient combined cycle facility generates approximately 900 MW. Over the course of the plant’s first 20 years of operations, the OCE will contribute hundreds of millions to Ohio’s economy. The plant will also generate millions of dollars in new tax revenue for local schools and City of Oregon.
OCE was developed and financed in direct response to Ohio’s commitment to a deregulated environment in which power is competitively priced on the open market. As a result of energy market dynamics and Ohio’s abundant, clean, natural gas, OCE’s private investors committed more than $800 million to construct the facility, predicated on their long-term confidence in Ohio’s competitive electric market.